Final Fantasy XIV previews the Arcadion and new gear coming with Seekers of Eternity

Well, this looks nice, at least.

There’s less than a week until Final Fantasy XIV players get to enjoy the next major patch for the game, but if you can’t wait that long to see more of what the patch offers, you don’t have to. Not that you can play it early, of course, but the special patch preview site has been updated with more screenshots and a few more plot hints about what awaits in both the Arcadion and the inconceivably further Hildibrand adventures awaiting players. (Here’s a hint: the latter involves eggs.)

The new previews also show off some of the gear coming with the next patch from Arcadion, crafting recipes, and tomestones, as well as some of the new mounts and pets available with the patch. If any of that makes you paw at your screen with grabby hands, well, good news! It’s less than a week away. Not that we can promise you’ll just be able to walk into any city and say “one Patch Gear, please” to any effect, but at least it’s a step on the path.

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