Final Fantasy XIV’s Seekers of Eternity patch is live today

There was no time to design an interesting set of tome gear.

Bad news for people who are seeking new seltzer flavors, the ultimate low-fat yogurt, a four-door hatchback that drives like a sports car, or answers about why the caged bird sings. Final Fantasy XIV cannot help you with any this seeking because today’s patch is Seekers of Eternity. Actually, we don’t know whether anyone actually finds eternity, either. Guess you’ll have to go through the new MSQ added with the patch to find out! Maybe you set out for eternity and wind up finding the ultimate low-fat yogurt along the way.

The full patch notes do not contain answers about that, but they do contain the balance notes for the patch, which offers some pretty nice buffs to Black Mage, smooths out the difference for Pictomancer between burst phases and normal damage (while overall lowering the job’s damage), changes in multi-target ability damage for Machinist, and more. If you’re stuck at work and need to do something with your time before you can seek eternity this evening, check out the full patch notes to fill yourself in.

“Today, SQUARE ENIX® released the latest major update for FINAL FANTASY™ XIV Online, Patch 7.2: Seekers of Eternity.

“The patch arrives with an array of new content and updates including the continuation of the Warrior of Light’s journey. Exciting new experiences await, including The Underkeep dungeon, Hell’ Kier Unreal difficulty trail, where players will take on one of the Four Lords, Suzaku at Level 100 and the latest tier of The Arcadion raid series, the Cruiserweight Division.

“Patch 7.21, launching on Tuesday 22nd April will bring with it Cosmic Exploration, a collaborative activity for crafters and gatherers to explore uncharted stars alongside players from their World. Cosmic Exploration also brings the latest Tool Enhancement Quests in the search to research and develop cutting-edge artisan’s Cosmic Tools.

“Releasing on Tuesday 27th May, Patch 7.25 arrives with The Occult Crescent, a battle focused activity where players will join a legendary explorer and his intrepid crew as they chart a course for these fearsome waters and unravel the mystery that swirls therein! Additionally, Patch 7.25 will also include the continuation of the Inconceivably Further Hildibrand Adventures.”

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