Star Wars: The Old Republic adds the Ultimate Swoop Rally to its test server

It's very much like a swoop.

The newest event for Star Wars: The Old Republic arrives in the game along with update 6.1.2, but you don’t need to wait that long to try out the Ultimate Swoop Rally. It’s different from other swoop rallies because it’s the ultimate one, you see; three different factions offer you missions daily on Dantooine, Tatooine, and Onderon (which the designers were informed could not be renamed “Onderooine” for these purposes). Each of these gangs will offer you various swoop-based objectives, and naturally, completing these missions earns you reputation that can be converted into fantastic rewards.

While it’s not live just yet, you can get a feel for what those fantastic swoop gang rewards might be via the ever-loved public test server; just make sure to copy a character or two over to the test server first. The plan is for this to be a new event in the style of the game’s Rakghoul Resurgence recurring event, so you can get some early practice in now.

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