The Blizzard currently pumping out videos, timelines, and recaps of impending content is not really a Blizzard we recognize, but uh, it’s definitely happening. In what still appears to be a transparent and understandable attempt to repair spoiled relations with the playerbase, the World of Warcraft team has dropped yet another summary of inbound patches for both Retail and Classic WoW, complete with videos.
On the Classic side of things, Burning Crusade players can look forward to Overlords of Outland tomorrow evening, when Serpentshrine Cavern and The Eye go live, along with guild banks and the LFG browser.
And for Retail fans, the team offers preparations for 9.1.5, which of course will remove the conduit energy system, increases the drop rate for shards of domination, and add new customization options as previously noted.
“On the 9.1.5 PTR, a wide array of changes and quality-of-life improvements are being added and tweaked in real-time, more will be going live over the course of this week, and we welcome your input,” the studio says, as our eyebrows escape Earth orbit.
Meanwhile, the A Better ABK group within Activision-Blizzard announced this afternoon that it has filed a suit with the National Labor Relations Board seeking a ruling to prevent Activision-Blizzard from intimidating workers discussing the terms of their contracts – an accusation the state of California already leveled at the company during that whole “shredding evidence” fiasco. “If the NLRB rules in our favor, the ruling will be retroactive and we will set a precedent that no worker in the US can be intimidated out of talking about forced arbitration,” the proto-union group says.