The Daily Grind: What stupid mistake do you keep making in an MMO?
In a lot of games, the E key defaults to use/interact/whatever. Get near a thing, press E, you do what you need to do....
Guild Chat: The top five ingredients in every great guild
Welcome to Guild Chat, my comfortable little corner of Massively Overpowered in which I dissect the inner workings and tricky politics associated with MMO...
One Shots: Wedded bliss
Have you ever gotten married? In game, I mean. Well, if you haven't screenshotted it, it didn't happen. Fortunately this Final Fantasy XIV couple...
EverQuest’s new progression server could take you eight years to finish
Back in February, Daybreak announced plans for a new classic EverQuest progression server and allowed players to vote on the future server's ruleset. Yesterday,...
The Daily Grind: Do you have a regular gaming group?
When you're on a time budget and can't always be in a game 24/7 to join spontaneous guild runs, it's a blessing to be...
Lost Continent: ArcheAge’s dolphingate was much ado about nothing
I'd like to play devil's advocate about this whole ArcheAge dolphingate thing. First, though, let me start with a disclaimer. If you've read this...
Chaos Theory: Quit whining and pay for your Secret World content
Those of you who know me know that ranting is not exactly my forte. Although I have dabbled in it a bit here and...
Skyforge ‘won’t tolerate the word P2W’ [Updated]
Skyforge apparently doesn't take too kindly to accusations of pay-to-win.
In response to a North American Skyforge player's admittedly originally badly worded question about the differences...
The Daily Grind: What’s the most game-breaking cash shop item you’ve ever seen?
I don't have a lot of experience with MMO cash shops. I've used a couple of them to spend Turbine points or Funcom funny...
Leaderboard: Did you back Crowfall?
Crowfall's Kickstarter ends this week. In fact, it ends tomorrow. By all accounts it's been enormously successful, both in terms of the funds received...
This LotRO lore video made me reinstall the game
You know, I need another fantasy MMORPG in my life like I need another hole in my head. But thanks to a nifty lore-centric...
Diablo III offers a big boost for the Reaper of Souls anniversary
It's hard to believe that players have been enjoying the first Diablo III expansion for over a year, isn't it? Today specifically marks the...
The Daily Grind: Do you have a love/hate relationship with an MMO?
For the most part, my MMO gaming world is pretty black and white. If I enjoy a game, then I'm playing it. If I'm...
Global Chat: Tripping over colors in MMO play
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to play an MMO while affected by colorblindness? A guest writer over at Epic...
City of Heroes dev answers more lore questions for game’s anniversary
City of Heroes is dead; long live City of Heroes! The superhero MMO would have been 11 years old next month but for an...
Star Citizen’s sound designer weighs in on sound in space
In space, no one can hear you scream. Or yell, or fart, or blow up another ship. Sound doesn't travel well in a vacuum,...
Frontier crowns its Race to Elite winners
Appropriately, the winner of Frontier's Triple Elite competition is a Commander by the name of Onepercent. He played for 1,029 hours between December 18th...
World of Warcraft gears up for WoW Tokens and arena championships
Can you part with real money more easily than you can part with hours of time to farm up gold in World of Warcraft?...
Players seek world record for longest Hearthstone turn
By setting up a chain reaction of around 240,000 arcane missiles targeting a player who cannot be killed at the moment, two players have...
Sword and Bored: Newbie zone
Mo loads into the game, unwittingly joining his first open PvP server and meeting new "friends."