
Join Justin Olivetti and Bree Royce every Tuesday for the Massively OP Podcast. You can scroll down to the latest podcast below, or you can follow us directly through your preferred player: Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, TuneIn Radio, and PlayerFM.

Don’t forget the 331 (!) Massively Speaking episodes we pubbed previously and follow the RSS link for this feed RSS feed for this podcast. Send your questions in to the team and we might just read them on the air. Want episodes a day early? A $5 monthly pledge to our Patreon will ensure just that!

Massively OP Podcast Episode 225: The slash and burn of Amazon Game Studios

Justin and Bree discuss E3, Black Desert, Warframe, Last Oasis, Amazon, New World, Ship of Heroes, SWG Legends, LOTRO, Elder Scrolls Online, with mailbag questions on monetizing character costuming and beating bad launch dead horses.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 224: Black Desert, Bless Online, and boats

Carlo, Bree, and Justin discuss Black Desert, Bless, Phantasy Star Online 2, E3, LOTRO, SWTOR, GW2, POE, City of Heroes, and boats.
Well, I feel daunted.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 223: Starbase Adrift

Justin and Bree discuss Worlds Adrift's sunset, ESO Elsweyr's launch, Starbase, FFXIV Shadowbringers, and City of Heroes, with mail on old episodes and WoW Classic blowback.
Bless this hot mess.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 222: A good EVEning to be invaded

Brendan joins Justin and Bree for a sponsored segment on EVE Online's upcoming expansion and Fanfest world tour, plus news from FFXIV, Dauntless, Astellia, Black Desert, and DCUO, with mailbag topics on Old School RuneScape and MMO cinematic trailers.
Doom approaches.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 221: Classic Warcraft flavor

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Classic, City of Heroes, Blade and Soul, Star Trek Online, Square Enix, and Dungeon and Dragons Online, with mailbag topics on how WoW Classic fits into the MMO genre and getting back into City of Heroes.
Find the path.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 220: Everybody gets a dragon!

Justin and Bree discuss City of Heroes, lockboxes, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, Guild Wars 2, RIFT, ZeniMax, and New World, with a mailbag question about epic MMO character creators.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 219: The 64-bit generation

Justin and Bree discuss Blizzard financials, City of Heroes, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, WoW Classic, EVE Online, LOTRO, and Guild Wars, with mailbag topics on Blizzard, everythingboxes, genderlocking, and dad jokes.
Never mind, I'm not real!

Massively OP Podcast Episode 218: A pretty darn good week

Justin and Bree discuss City of Heroes, Atlas Reactor, Peria Chronicles, Torchlight Frontiers, Caravan Stories, Villagers & Heroes, and Star Trek Online.
We got it back, after all.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 217: City of Heroes after dark

Justin, Eliot, and Bree discuss the so-called "secret" City of Heroes SCORE private server slash emulator and why it has this long-running community up in arms.
Everything old is... well, it's actually still old.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 216: Star Wars frenzy

Justin and Bree discuss big SWTOR expansion news, plus news from WoW, Blizzard, Guild Wars 2, Skyforge, TERA, Albion, Blade & Soul, and DDO, with a mailbag question on MMO expansion difficulty.
Yes, this is one of the few cases wherein EA kinda gets to be the good guys.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 215: Anthem exposed

Justin and Bree discuss Anthem and BioWare, Guild Wars 2, DCUO, RIFT, Albion, DDO, Dragon Quest X, and Black Desert, plus a mailbag topic on event fatigue in MMOs.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 214: No fools we

Justin and Bree discus MMO April Fools' Day, Jumpgate's sequel, Funcom's new Secret World project, EverQuest 3, Rend's abrupt launch, Star Citizen's ladies, and Neverwinter and DDO's expansion dates, with adventures in Guild Wars 2, DDO, and Blade & Soul, and a mailbag question on MMO emulators.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 213: FFXIV’s first world problems

Justin and Bree discuss FFXIV's controversial reveals, WoW level squish, Albion Online F2P, Glitch, Age of Conan, and Google Stadia, with adventures in Trove, SWG, Starmourn, LOTRO, and Rock Band, and mailbag letter on feeling perpetually behind in MMOs.
Here we are.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 212: Harry Potter, progression servers, and No MMO’s Sky

Justin and Bree discuss the Harry Potter mobile MMOARG; progression servers for RIFT, LOTRO, and EverQuest; No Man's Sky's MMO ambitions; WoW 8.1.5; Blade & Soul's next big thing; and The Division 2's sleepy launch. With reader mail on factional divides, the death of playable races, and staying healthy while gaming.
I still love you, robot.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 211: Carrying the Torchlight

Justin and Bree deep-dive Torchlight Frontiers and discuss Path of Exile's Synthesis, the great LOTRO and DDO outage of 2019, the impending end of Kritika Online and the Foundry system in Star Trek Online and Neverwinter, Guild Wars 2's warclaw, Alganon, and a mailbag topic about housing in MMOs.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 210: The spice must flow

Justin and Bree discuss Funcom's Dune, Anarchy Online's prog, Elder Scrolls Online's Wrathstone, Atlas' wipe, Guild Wars 2's layoffs, DDO's Sharn expansion, and Outlaws of the Old West, with adventures in Eldevin, LOTRO, Paragon Chat, Trove, and SWG; a mailbag question on finding laid-back MMOs; and a sponsored segment on Black Desert.
The most positive statement about anything Daybreak-related I am likely to make all year.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 209: ArenaNet layoffs, Blizzard layoffs, and PlanetSide Arena delays

Justin and Bree discuss the Guild Wars 2 layoffs, Blizzard layoffs, PlanetSide Arena's delay, WoW's allied races, and LOTRO's expansion, with adventures in DDO, SWGL, and Trove, and mailbag letters on ethical studios, ancient MMOs, and Project Titan.
Here we go again.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 208: Blizzard’s chilly forecast

Justin and Bree discuss Blizzard's troubles, New World, Star Citizen, Guild Wars 1, Tibia, RIFT, Elder Scrolls Online, and Astroneer, with mailbag questions on WoWfugees and the abandonment of Diablo III.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 207: Bunny girls throughout Eorzea

Justin and Bree discuss Final Fantasy XIV, Guild Wars 2, Legends of Aria, RuneScape, Elder Scrolls Online, LOTRO, and Warframe, with mailbag topics on MMO endgames and battle royale modes in MMOs.
Here we are again, and still, and always.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 206: This is our Anthem

Justin and Bree discuss MMO character creation systems, the Anthem demo mess, Ragnarok 2's abrupt development end, WoW's new raid, Daybreak's EverQuest franchise plans, Last Oasis, and Fallout 76, with mailbag questions on needlessly complicated MMOs and subs for maintenance mode games.