
See: Frontier Developments

Elite Dangerous previews Odyssey’s conflict zone gameplay as phase two of alpha goes live

When a system in Elite: Dangerous goes into a state of war, there are only a couple of ways players can influence the outcome:...
Small steps.

Elite Dangerous Odyssey’s second phase of alpha testing is tentatively scheduled for Thursday

Players of the Elite: Dangerous Odyssey alpha test appear to be ready to move forward with phase two of testing, and for the most...

Stick and Rudder: Shaky space legs and promising potential in Elite Dangerous’ Odyssey alpha phase one

Yep. This certainly was an alpha test. For those who are curious, yes, I bought my way in to the Elite Dangerous Odyssey alpha, as did...

Elite Dangerous touches on Odyssey alpha feedback regarding taxis, on-foot NPCs, and mission details

With the alpha test of Elite: Dangerous Odyssey continuing to press forward, players of the expansion's test build have already provided a lot of...

Stick and Rudder: Five potentially stupid yet fun Elite Dangerous spaceship builds

Even though I've logged a total of 112 hours of Elite: Dangerous at the time of this writing, I'm still pretty much a noob...

Elite Dangerous patches in faster system map loading and several fixes for the Odyssey alpha

With phase one of the Elite: Dangerous Odyssey alpha well underway, there have been a few more pressing matters that have cropped up that...
Small steps.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 315: The Wrath Baby strikes back

Justin, Bree, Chris, and Tyler discuss Magic Legends' soft launch, World of Warcraft's price hikes, WoW Burning Crusade's beta, Elite Dangerous' Odyssey alpha, Raph Koster's virtual world manifesto, and Monster Hunter Rise's launch, with mailbag topics on when subs aren't worth it and why MMO currencies are just the worst.

Elite Dangerous launches phase one of its Odyssey alpha test on PC today

Today is the first step of many for PC players of Elite: Dangerous in something of a literal sense, as the Odyssey expansion has...

The MOP Up: Red Dead Online is off to the races

Whether you head off to the horse races or play in a posse in Red Dead Online, you're going to get extra rewards for...

Elite Dangerous shares an on-foot tour of an Odyssey starport, planetary missions, and alpha test schedule

Last night was an absolute info dumping from Elite: Dangerous regarding its upcoming Odyssey expansion, with announcements, livestreams, and videos galore shared over a...
Small steps.

Elite Dangerous has an estimated 500K monthly active players according to stockbroker report

It's no secret that an expansion's announcement is generally a driving force for bringing players into MMOs and multiplayer games, and that certainly appears...
Yum yum rocks.

Elite Dangerous YouTuber is denied free access to Odyssey’s alpha due to ‘offensive’ content

There are a number of YouTube content creators that have hitched their wagons to Elite: Dangerous. One of them is a YouTuber by the...

Elite Dangerous explores missions, spawning, bounties, and more Odyssey details

Whether you ended up indifferent or excited after Elite: Dangerous offered a preview of a mission from its Odyssey expansion, you very likely had...

Blade & Soul’s Unreal Engine upgrade lands in the west this summer after all – here are the teaser pics

It's been a wild 24 hours for Blade & Soul's fanbase: Shortly after news broke that NCsoft was sunsetting the game's prototype Frontier World...

Elite Dangerous sets Odyssey PC alpha for March 29, drops brand-new mission video

One of the MMOs that seems to have emerged from 2020 in a better place than when it went in is Elite Dangerous, which...
oh no

Blade & Soul’s Unreal Engine 4 upgrade is coming this year in spite of Frontier World’s cancelation

We've updated this article at the end with a big update  - the original story follows. If you were excited about the Unreal Engine 4...

Dark Age of Camelot plans Catch Up in Calendonia fast-leveling event, Ultima Online previews Publish 110 and New Legacy’s map

Broadsword's antique MMORPGs are still chugging along, both with news of note this week. In Dark Age of Camelot, players are being invited for a...

Elite Dangerous answers player questions about handheld weapons in Odyssey

One of the keystone features of the Odyssey expansion of Elite: Dangerous is the addition of FPS combat, so naturally players have some questions...

Elite Dangerous players discuss the ramifications of in-game ‘slaves’ and ways to change the lore

It goes without saying that the exploitation of unwitting and inexperienced players in Elite: Dangerous has the topic of slavery on many people's minds,...

Stick and Rudder: Seven player-made Elite Dangerous tools that you should check out

Since beginning my Elite Dangerous journey, I’ve been impressed and delighted to find many community-supported tools available to aid Elite players in navigating the...