Rumor: Diablo IV could release in April 2023, with pre-orders available during The Game Awards 2022
When can players expect to wander the darkity-dark of Diablo IV? Sometime in the first portion of 2023 if some rumors are to be...
World of Warcraft’s freebie Feldrake mount causes fan outrage as Dragonflight’s dungeons are previewed
Normally a Twitch drop item isn't something we'd call headline news, even if that drop comes from the 500-pound gorilla that is World of...
Whatever happened to Noah’s Heart?
Remember Noah's Heart? Possibly not. The game launched in July promising an open-world MMO experience on both PC and mobile platforms, and if you're...
Star Stable calls Halloween’s soul shards a way to give players the power of choice, but fans largely disagree
Last month, the online horse game Star Stable was among the many MMOs that held a Halloween event that added a bunch of spooky...
Overwatch 2 dev hints at more support heroes as Blizzard sends out a monetization survey to players
Overwatch 2 is continuing its tuning and adjustment efforts, or at least is planning to by all accounts. After the shooter put out an...
Video montage reminds fans that Star Citizen has been promising ship subsystem features for eight years
The Power Play presentation from Star Citizen's CitizenCon 2022 offered a demonstration of capital ship subsystems like power, gravity, and life support being futzed...
TERA’s console version continues to see new weapons and dungeons in monthly updates
We are now roughly four months removed from the sunsetting of TERA on PC, which leaves one question: How is the console version doing...
Star Citizen reiterates anti-bigotry policy in response to toxic fan feedback on rainbow ship paint
Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium is once again having to tap the sign at its more unruly members of the community. A forum thread...
Blizzard delays World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight prepatch an extra three hours
Veteran MMORPG players know better than to spend sick days or stay up late for an iffy launch for an expansion, and hopefully the...
Whatever happened to throne war MMO Crowfall?
It's been some time since we peered in on the news coming out of Crowfall, the Kickstarted PvP "throne war" MMO originally from developer...
The Daily Grind: What’s more likely to drive you out of an MMO – the gameplay or the fans?
Today's Daily Grind was inspired entirely by this tweet about just traveling along enjoying the heck out of something without interacting with the "fans."...
Overwatch 2’s flawed design and gamer toxicity drive off support players – and drive up queues
It looks like some bad apples in the Overwatch 2 community and some overall poor design are spoiling the bunch for everyone. The game's...
Old School RuneScape shares player reactions to Poll 77 as the Jagex launcher gets multi-account support
Earlier this week Old School RuneScape opened up its 77th poll with the focus on making a host of quality-of-life features. As usual, the...
Shroud of the Avatar is in the ‘home stretch’ for R106 recovery efforts, but gold returns will come up short
Catnip Games is still recovering from Shroud of the Avatar's disastrous Release 106 update, but the team is reportedly in the "home stretch" of...
Diablo IV begins sending invites to its endgame-focused closed beta test
Is it a breach of NDA if Diablo IV fans scramble around excitedly online over being invited to the APRG's next test? Regardless of...
New World’s Brimstone Sands sees a peak of 65K players – and queues to match
So just how did yesterday's Brimstone Sands launch go for New World? That's what we're here to compile, but the answer to the question...
Massively Overthinking: Do gaming ‘tourists’ ruin MMOs?
Yes, I know that's a provocative title. Yes, we're gonna talk about it with some nuance. It's a topic inspired by a Reddit thread...
After weeks of teasing, the City of Heroes SEGS Engine project has released its ‘very alpha’ build
Over the past while we've been covering the progress of the Super Entity Game Server (SEGS) Engine, a fan-run project that's trying to rewrite...
SMITE raises regional prices for Turkey and Ukraine due to ‘economic forces and abuse from players’
I'm personally not smart enough to even speculate about what's happening in the global economy, but apparently Turkish and Ukrainian fans of SMITE are...
Overwatch 2 suffers another DDoS attack, accidentally removes everyone’s earned heroes
The goof parade that is Overwatch 2 keeps marching along, regrettably. The most recent SNAFU suffered by players of the game involved an intended...