
One Shots: Holding a torch for City of Heroes

No, you're not seeing yet another ancient screenshot from the late, great City of Heroes. No, this is something far more recent and special....

One Shots: Blinded with science

Skyforge is becoming a hot property for bored summer gamers looking for something new to explore. Reader Tyler reports in from the recent closed...

One Shots: Impossible architecture

When you construct your buildings out of pixels and polygons, you don't necessarily have to worry about what's physically possible and what isn't, just...

One Shots: Gazing at potential

Major props to reader John, who somehow managed to finagle screenshots from his PlayStation 4 to bring us this stunning Destiny vista. Back when...

One Shots: Primitive GPS

There's no shame in being lost, especially if your MMO doesn't include an on-screen map. Anyone remember the olden days of using graph paper...

The Daily Grind: Which classic MMO would you like to try running?

Hey guys! Did you hear about this Darkfall thing? If we all pool our allowances together, we could buy and run our very own...

One Shots: Bagpipes in the woods

I can't say that I'm the biggest fan of bagpipe music, although I do harbor a certain fascination for any musical instrument that looks...

PvE sandbox Villagers and Heroes is reborn tomorrow

When I last checked in on indie PvE sandbox Villagers and Heroes a year ago, the Steam launch was busy rocking the game with dramatic...

One Shots: The infinite summons

One of the stranger Final Fantasy tropes is that the more powerful a summoned creature is, the longer it would take for any given...

One Shots: Reflections of me

One fun in-game photography trick is to use reflections, mirrors, and glass to offer a different -- and sometimes more artistic -- vision of...

One Shots: My imaginary friends

Here's a fun thought: What if we aren't actually playing MMOs? What if we're just sitting in front of blank screens, creating fantasy worlds...

One Shots: Nothing to see here, move along

Do you ever stop to realize just how much weirdness we see and dismiss every day as MMO gamers? If a fraction of the...

One Shots: Bugs Bunny 2099

What would Bugs Bunny look like if he were a futuristic space mercenary who chomped on freeze-dried carrots and spat out, "What's UP, doc?"...

One Shots: Pics or the beta didn’t happen

Stargate Worlds was one of those rare MMOs that progressed into the beta stage and was played by many yet never launched. Even today...
If I could turn back time.

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns’ first elite spec is the Chronomancer

Let's talk history for a moment. Before Guild Wars 2 was a thing, before it was even an idea, the team at ArenaNet was working...

One Shots: Every action movie cliché, ever

Everyone needs those epic action moments in MMOs from time to time when everything comes together to deliver a pulse-pounding experience. From the looks...

Land of Britain shows off new UE4 screenshots

Wondering why the Land of Britain developers have gone quiet? Probably not, as we hadn't covered the title before today. Regardless, we have an...

TERA gets the Gunner class and a Steam launch on May 5

TERA is adding the Gunner class in its May 5th patch. The fantasy MMO is also arriving on Steam that same day. The Gunner...

One Shots: Super Teddy

We don't see a lot of Champions Online pics come through here, probably because of the game's small population. That's a shame because if nothing...

One Shots: Early morning ride

It's been a long tradition (from before my tenure) to use a black-and-white version of the first picture of the week for the header...