Welcome back to Global Chat, the column where we reach out and give props to interesting and well-written articles from the MMO blogosphere. Today we’re going to kick off with a positive piece about Crowfall, as Kill Ten Rats’ Ravious is particularly pleased with the decision to announce its business model up front.
“One of my favorite devs, Jeff Strain, wrote way back in 2007 some of the most important words for MMO creators,” Ravious posted. “He said, ‘Decide on your business model first, and then build your game around it.’ So simple.”
Was this a good move for Crowfall? Read the rest of this week’s entries and then debate it in the comments!
Nerdy Bookahs: Trove open beta impressions
Want to get some first-hand impressions of this sandvox title in its current state? Look no further than this article, which weighs many of the pros (crafting, adventuring) and the cons (user interface, no PvP).
Paeroka also discusses whether or not Trove is pay to win: “There are items that you can buy which give your equipment stronger stats or a better stat combination faster. However, it’s just ‘faster.’ You can also get there by simply playing the game. Additionally, in Trove, you always work with your fellow players, not against them.”
Inventory Full: Hope you like our new direction
The recent layoffs at Daybreak cause many a blogger to analyze the situation and try to discern if there was a silver lining in the event. Bhagpuss is one of those saying that it could indeed be a portent of a brighter future instead of a darker one, even though it was painful to lose so many devs.
“As David Carey said, ‘SOE needed a shake up/new direction’,” Bhagpuss wrote. “We all knew it. We’ve all been saying it. Now it might just be happening.”
Material Middle-earth: Melody of the west — a fond farewell
Here’s a bittersweet goodbye from long-time Lord of the Rings Online blogger Nathrien, who is signing off from her blog after years of posting creative and gorgeous cosmetic outfits from the game.
“Four years ago, I started dabbling in cosmetics,” she wrote. “Three-and-a-half years ago, I began to share outfits with some close friends, embarrassed to admit I played ‘virtual dress-up,’ as I had once put it. Three years ago, I began sharing them with all of you… and it’s been a glorious three years.”
Casual Aggro: The Star Trek Online conundrum of tier 6
There’s been an ongoing, raging debate in the STO community about the new tier of ships that came with Delta Rising. Blogger Ocho has a lot to say in regard to the subject — and not all of it is kind.
“Acquiring the best gear is a huge part of why we all play! They know this, though. They know the psychology of MMO players just as much as we obey it. If there is a huge upgrade to a key piece of gear and it is within our reach, we will go after it,” he laments.
I Has PC: Too big to NOT fail?
Isey is quite nervous about how large Star Citizen’s fundraising has become and fears that it may be setting itself up for a fall: “The reason I am linking the two stories — Godus and Star Citizen — is that I am worried that Star Citizen could be the project that destroys consumer confidence in crowdfunding. If it is, it could have disastrous implications to the entire Kickstarter ideology.”
Ash’s Adventures: On saving time
Are you trying to rush through dungeons as fast as you can? Ash has a sage piece of wisdom to share with you today: “”At this point I’m not sure where I first heard it, but I find when it comes to dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV, the following is quite true: ‘Nothing wastes more time than people trying to save time.'”