Lest you forget, EVE Valkyrie wasn’t the only EVE Universe title that launched on the Oculus Rift yesterday. A smaller but no less notable title, EVE Gunjack, was also included in the Rift’s launch line-up of 30 titles.
Gunjack is an arcade shooter that puts players into a mining ship’s turret and gives permission to go trigger happy. It’s the best-selling game on Samsung Gear VR and will be coming to the HTC Vive and PlayStation VR later this year.
CCP CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson said that Gunjack and Valkyrie are only the beginning of the company’s march to VR domination: “Our goal has always been to create the most immersive virtual worlds, and VR now gives us a powerful new tool to achieve that.” CCP has several other VR projects cooking, the result of a $30 million investment in that area.