Last week, Massively OP’s World of Warcraft columnist, Eliot Lefebvre, came damn close to coaxing me back to WoW with his piece rating Legion’s zones. It was Highmountain that almost got me; as a primarily Alliance player, I’ve never gotten my fill of the Tauren theme. Ditto with Suramar: I know we all joke around about elves in MMORPGs here, but I actually like the lore of the elven factions in WoW, and Suramar looks like the next best thing to Dalaran, which was a favorite of mine.
Fortunately, I held strong, since I’m knee-deep in Guild Wars 2 and anticipating Elder Scroll’s One Tamriel. But I’m curious what other folks think about the WoW zones and which one is most worthy of potential returnees’ attention. Let’s put it to a vote: Which zone is the very best Legion has to offer? To the pollmobile!
What's the very best zone added in WoW Legion?
- Azsuna (7%, 42 Votes)
- Highmountain (14%, 85 Votes)
- Stormheim (19%, 119 Votes)
- Suramar (23%, 141 Votes)
- Val'sharah (20%, 123 Votes)
- None of the above. (1%, 6 Votes)
- I don't know / no answer / don't play / elf butts (16%, 96 Votes)
Total Voters: 612

And here’s a bonus question for the comments: Which WoW zone is the best zone of all time?