So let’s say you’re somebody like MOP’s Justin — somebody who liked Guild Wars 2 way back in the day but didn’t consider picking up Heart of Thorns until recently when the price came tumbling down and the upcoming expansion leaks sent you hunting for your wallet. Where do you start with content that’s been out a long time and has undergone dramatic changes in its almost two years?
Friend of Massively OP Richie “Bog Otter” Procopio has a few ideas, and he’s chronicled them in a new video on his YouTube channel, one in a multi-part “boomerangs” series on returning to Guild Wars 2. He takes viewers through getting to the expansion maps, which masteries to work on first (gliding!), the Revenant class, class specs, fractals, raiding, guild halls, dailies, the living story episodes, PvP, and on and on. Even somebody who plays Heart of Thorns is probably going to learn something from the video, so it’s worth a watch!