In any case, if you’re into mounts or just wanna devour every scrap of info in the lead up to next month’s expansion, point your eyeballs at Anet’s official site today, where it’s running the first of its mount dev diaries. The studio’s Roy Cronacher says that the impetus for mounts in a game that’s traditionally eschewed them was born out of the popularity of gliders.
“We weren’t satisfied with making mounts a simple cosmetic speed boost that’d be tacked on to your character, so we set out to build a visceral, organic experience that feels like you’re riding a real animal,” he explains.
Cronacher skims through all the mounts we know about so far — the raptor, springer, skimmer, and jackal — and even touches on the mastery-linked way we’ll be training them up. Check out the whole thing on the official site and the new pics and video down below.