“You know the drill. You’re trying to reach East Nowhere to stop a rampaging whatever from eating Fill-in-the-Blank Village, but you’re new in town. Good news*—we’ll instantly register you at all the waypoints in a region of your choice. Buy the Waypoint Unlock Box to unlock one of the regions on our list, or buy the Central Tyria Waypoint Unlock Package for all of them.”
The unlock packs run 600 gems per region, or 2000 gems for all five regions (just the original five Tyrian regions, not Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire locations). 2000 gems, we’ll note, costs about $25 in real money. Why would you buy this, when you can just run around and get each zone’s waypoints in a few minutes atop your shiny expansion raptor? Convenience, we suppose – it’d make mapping that much faster back in the old world for sure.
Want to get caught up on our Path of Fire coverage? Don’t miss the first and second parts of Tina’s launch diary and my own top five/bottom five editorial from last week.