Enough lollygagging, you Guardians; it’s time to suit up and get your butt to Mars… er, Mercury. Wait, Mercury? We sure that’s right? Oh. Well then, they’re going to get toasty warm before all is said and done.
Destiny 2 pushed its Curse of Osiris DLC live today, bringing the first “expansion” to the multiplayer shooter since its launch a couple of months ago. The $20 pack (which can also be accessed through a season pass) includes adventures on Mercury and a new social hang called the Lighthouse. Players will face off with the cyborg Vex, a race that is attempting to “reshape reality” as violently as possible. The only hope, other than a million gamers with itchy trigger fingers, is Brother Vance and his Followers of Osiris.
Players will explore the Infinite Forest at the heart of Mercury, battle it out in the new Tree of Probabilities strike, and battle between each other on one of Titan’s ocean rigs. See what the DLC has to offer in the launch trailer below!