I’ve been thinking about this topic for a few weeks, ever since MJ and I did a stream on the City of Heroes base building tool via Paragon Chat. Going into the map brought back a distinct memory for me of happily decorating in my base and hearing a news story about a car accident that really impacted me at the time. I hadn’t thought about it in years.
Whenever I think of 9-11, my mind inevitably wanders back to that one awful dude in my EverQuest guild who chewed me out for canceling a guild meeting about some petty drama originally planned for that same day. I always think of his blue bard armor. It certainly made leaving that game space much easier.
Every time I hear a certain song from a certain album, I think about that one winter I couldn’t make the long trip home for the holidays and sat around grinding Star Wars Galaxies’ terrible holiday events instead.
I can’t go into that one zone in WoW’s Cataclysm without remembering the eight months of extreme pregnancy nausea I was in the middle of when I first tried doing that zone. (For what it’s worth, Uldum is a great zone, but I didn’t realize that until the nausea was over!)
I suspect this is inevitable for long-term or hardcore MMORPG players: Events, small or large, personal or private, are going to be tied to play. Do you have any strange MMORPG memory associations, and if so, what are they?