If you’re like me — screenshot-mad and playing Battle for Azeroth — then you’ve been filling up your World of Warcraft image folders like crazy over the past few weeks. So many beautiful and striking sites to see!
And also horror beyond imagining!
Reader Minimalistway went deep into the woods on a Blair Witch hunt and found things that will keep you up every night of your life to come: “Questing around Drustvar, i prefer questing in the day to take good screenshots, Drustvar is different, it’s better at night.”
Or if you’re looking for a more cheery vision, you might like Little Bugbear’s self-professed “favorite spot” in the expansion. What do you think? It’s like the most pleasant place ever to contract malaria and swamp rot!
Not everyone is playing the new expansion, however. There are always the lower caste — the lowbies — who are making their way slowly but surely to the endgame.
“I decided for a fresh start and created a new character,” posted Amorey. “I am enjoying WoW at my own leisurely pace, which I also call the ‘scenic route.’ My Gnome is a Mistweaver Monk spec (healing with a bit of DPS ). I made it to level 34 in my first week, got my first transmog, and visited the barber because I fancied a new hair color. Lots of players in the low to middle level zones, which is really nice to see. Just started questing in Stranglethorn Vale, slowly making my way to Booty Bay. I want to see how long it will take me to get to endgame but am making sure I do not skip any content. I am really enjoying the game so far.”
Not everyone’s playing World of Warcraft these days, of course. Hirku brought us this important piece of advice that has a superhero stamp of approval.
“Here’s a PSA from my new Champions Online hero,” Hirku wrote. I can’t help but feel as though there’s an element of hypocritical irony in all of this…
“Apparently, when you take kodo beasts on zeppelin trips in World of Warcraft, they behave exactly like dogs on car rides in the real world,” said Mysecretid. “Here’s my Nightborne Hunter alt on the zeppelin out of Orgrimmar. Her kodo companion, Boomer, is catching the wind out the side of the ride, just like a dog would. Ah, the feel of the breeze running through your… scales?”
Good kodo!
What’s your favorite fantasy beastie? Assuming that you’re not killing them too quickly to take a picture, the screenshot challenge this week is to show off an in-game beast or critter that amuses, delights, or captivates you for some reason.