“It’s not just the Runnyeye clan of goblins causing a raucous heard as far away as The Fool’s Gold. Oh no, they’ve decided to throw a party! A great gathering of goblins, from every nook and cranny, have descended into the dungy depths of Runnyeye, and are just waiting for someone to crash their party. That someone might as well be you, brave adventurers! And as is typical of goblins, they couldn’t decide on a theme for their gathering, so you get your choice of parties to crash! If you’re the [Solo] type, then brave the stench on your own or with one other. If you want to bring your own clan (up to 6), then cause an even greater stink in their [Heroic] gathering! But why stop there? Three tiers of unruly goblin [Heroic] gatherings and their hoards of treasure await your rummaging, so get in there and cause a riot. Those goblins won’t know the difference! You can reach their Fabled citadel from the Prophecy Portal Gallery within Myrist, the Great Library.”
There’s also a new four-group raid in Castle Mischief with low/medium difficulty (perfect for PUGs, Daybreak says), new tradeskill apprentices for public crafts, and The Anchorage public tradeskill (existing crafters will undertake quests to help build new docks). The update launches March 16th.
Also worth noting is that since we’re in the middle of EverQuest 20th anniversary celebrations, EverQuest II has brought back the Chronoportals through the end of the month, with both old and new content!