If you can tear your eyeballs away from Super Adventure Box for a minute, ArenaNet has some Guild Wars 2 living world content updates to tease.
The studio dropped a wee – I was going to call it a trailer, but it’s more like a clip – of what looks like Kralkatorrik soaring through the skies (or the Mists?). (Kralky is not a good dragon, for those of you not up on the lore.) The final slide dubs the episode War Eternal and promises it’s “coming soon.”
The episode is expected to be the finale for the season, which started back at the end of 2017. As ArenaNet Game Director Mike Zadorojny noted earlier this week, the studio will break with tradition and dive straight into season five following this conclusion of season four. Incidentally, the studio’s been busy giving away the episodes to players who missed out; episode one was a freebie last week, while episode two is up for grabs in the cash shop gratis right now.
The teaser is below.
War Eternal is coming #GuildWars2 #GW2LivingWorld #GW2 pic.twitter.com/IoiasLilD4
— Guild Wars 2 (@GuildWars2) April 5, 2019