Happy patch day, Guild Wars 2 players. As promised, ArenaNet has implemented a wide-ranging balancing update for multiple professions and elite professions. Definitely read up on everything that’s changing with your favorite toon! And there’s a no-downed-state event running this weekend in WvW as well.
Perhaps just as importantly, there’s new stuff in the cash shop. Remember the Ritualist class from classic Guild Wars? As rumored, a Ritualist armor set has been ported over to the game as a buyable costume and here have some money ArenaNet. But there’s also a new item in the cash shop called the War Eternal Supply Drop Requisition, and it kinda looks like, well, a season pass, or maybe more accurately a miniature cash-shop subscription.
“When you purchase the War Eternal Supply Drop Requisition, the Black Lion Trading Company will send you a package of valuable items each week,” says the studio. “The first supply drop will arrive as soon as you’ve purchased a requisition, and the others will be delivered every Tuesday through May 14. (Limit one per account.)” Each week comes with an assortment of items, including dye packs, mount licenses, minis, outfit vouchers, weapon choices, boosters, and even cash shop vouchers.
“If you purchase the War Eternal Supply Drop Requisition on April 23, you’ll pay 2,400 gems and receive one supply drop immediately, followed by a new supply drop each following Tuesday through May 14 for a total of four. If you purchase it on May 14, you’ll pay 3,000 gems and receive all four of the supply drops at once. Act now to get the best discount—and to receive your items in the mail as soon as they’re available!”
2400 gems, mind you, is worth about $30 if you’re buying it outright, or you can buy gems for in-game gold. There’s some grumbling on Twitter and on Reddit of course, but we’re not sure this is such a bad idea give the peril the game seemed to be in following the layoffs earlier this year.
It’s not entirely clear at the moment whether we should read anything into the dates being handed out here, but no, we still don’t know exactly when War Eternal itself will launch.