One of the, ahem, burning questions regarding World of Warcraft Classic is what Blizzard plans to do with and for those players past the full rollout of the base content. There’s tentative good news on this front, as the studio openly talked about possibly stepping into the next two expansions thanks to the ground work done with Classic.
“We’re looking into what would be required to support [The Burning Crusade] and [Wrath of the Lich King] should we decide to go that route,” said the studio in Tuesday’s Reddit AMA. “The guiding principle for WoW Classic was staying faithful to the original game. It’s less clear what our direction should be with BC and WotLK. As you point out, it is likely that some features of these expansions will not be universally embraced by the Classic community.”
Past this, the AMA was a fount of information and answers regarding many pressing subjects, including layering, launch day queues, raid loot tables, and the location of Mankrik’s wife. Both Wowhead and Icy Veins have organized transcripts of the AMA for your edification.