If you’re enjoying your time in PlanetSide: Arena and want to get some of that look in PlanetSide 2, the developers will be delighted to sell you a bundle for that. No, really, the newest cosmetic bundle added with the game’s latest patch is all about bringing over those cosmetic skins into the older title. The patch also improves server performance during Aerial Anomalies, fixes some faction queue problems, and generally addresses back-end development issues for both future events and current gameplay.
New to the patch notes if not the patch itself is a statement from the development team about where development is currently headed; the seasonal event for Halloween is on its way and working slightly differently this year by letting players pop open pumpkins for prizes. There are also new faction-specific assault rifles in the works and Sanctuary updates for after the Halloween patch. Player numbers for the game on Steam have at least been holding somewhat steady, but it seems like the hope is that more communication will bolster those counts.