Yesterday’s announcement that Fallout 76 is getting a “Fallout 1st” subscription plan that locks private world ownership behind a paywall and grants very Elder Scrolls Online-like benies like crafting storage and a cash-shop stipend has… not gone over well.
People are mad because of the perception that Wastelanders got delayed so that this monetization scheme could be implemented. People are accusing Bethsoft of being “not only idiots but liars” and wondering whether all of this is just an early April Fools’ Day joke. People have asked for a year of free sub for putting up with the game through its late 2018 and 2019 travails. Still others wonder why Bethsoft isn’t doing any damage control for this dumpster fire. My favorite thread, with 12K ups, offers the understatement of the year with its innocent assertion that “A Subscription Service for a game like this is BOLD!”
Apparently one disgruntled player even registered the FalloutFirst.com domain and used it to host a profanity-laden parody of Bethesda’s announcement, though the heavy traffic has brought it to its knees now. (You can still see it in archive format, though.)
Adding insult to injury? Folks who went ahead and subbed anyway (why though?!) have figured out that the sub-only scrapbox – that’s the unlimited crafting storage – is actually bugged on private servers and eating the items you put inside them.
Apparently we’re just not allowed to have a fall without a Fallout 76 fiasco anymore.