Ahead of EVE Vegas today, CCP Games has announced a third go-round of EVE Aether Wars. Gamers will recall that’s the tech partnership with Hadean that CCP hopes will ultimately translate into even bigger battles for EVE Online. The first event early this year brought in nearly 4000 players to test the demo, while the second this past summer counted a total of 4369 pilots. Neither one can touch the 6000+ person battle record the game already holds, but maybe this third event, targeted for November 23rd and coinciding with EVE London, can do it.
“EVE Aether Wars is an ongoing research and development initiative to push the boundaries of large-scale, multiplayer experiences and explore the possibilities of Cloud Gaming. Earlier this year, CCP Games and Hadean unveiled the first EVE Aether Wars technology demo that ran live at GDC19 with 14,274 connected clients in a single-instanced, multi-region game world. At Gamescom 2019, they showcased a gameplay demo that a seven-person team at CCP Games built in just eight weeks, in which 4,369 players from 88 different countries participated.”
Pre-registration for the event is live now on Steam.