“The new Compose and Play feature will allow players to create intricate musical compositions using a robust editor. While players can compose music on any character, true to her musical inclinations, players will have to use the Shai class to play their composition. With guitar, flute and drums at their disposal; composers can create multiple tracks of music with a variety of sounds to create a rich musical masterpiece. Compositions can vary in BPM, time signature and amount of instruments played and can easily be shared with other players. After unlocking Shai’s unique ‘Talent’ at level 56, players can further improve their musical skills. It’s also possible to form an ensemble of multiple Shai characters playing their instruments and compositions together.”
As part of this week’s patch, Pearl Abyss has also kicked off a music creation contest, a revamp of buyable game packages, and a new adventure log.
YouTube is already offering up some fun music.