The third of four anniversary stories for Final Fantasy XIV has gone up today, and it covers an old friend. And an old enemy. An old everything, as it turns out. The latest story puts the reader in the shoes of Emet-Selch, he of the sassiest backhanded wave ever, and it covers a few memories of a time that should prove interesting for anyone up to date on the MSQ with some questions about the history of the Ascians. You know, if there are any left to ask.
Meanwhile, the development team is also planning for some entertainment at this years Tokyo Game Show. Of course the event is online this year, but that just makes it easier for Naoki Yoshida to take a tour of some FFXIV servers while also asking some questions of Yosuke Saito and Yoko Taro, the creative minds behind the YoRHa raid collaboration. Look forward to that on Sunday, September 27th.