If you’ve got a Steam account and played an older version of Bless (ahem), you might have noticed that your account has been flagged for PC Bless Unleashed beta access on the platform. Go on and check because that final beta begins today and runs the whole weekend, open to everyone with a Steam account and the ability to click things; you just have to click “request access” on the game’s Steam page.
Neowiz and Round8 studio have previously noted that this last leg of the test before launch will include “final checks” on the interface and combat in particular, as well as the cash shop (yes, you’ll get free currency so that you can muck around in there).
The official website is a flurry of activity right now as the studios have posted a screenshot contest, tester survey, extra servers, and patch notes. We’ve got a few folks in the test ourselves, so stay tuned for some impressions next week!