Eager for more information about Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker? You’ll get some tonight as the game’s digital fan festival kicks off tonight at 9:00 p.m. EDT, with two days of livestreamed events free for everyone. Players can also acquire digital commemorative items if they feel like dropping a little cash on it, including the game’s first eight-person passenger mount, the Lunar Whale.
As expected, Mor Dhona is already awash in Lunar Whales flying around and taking up space. It was bound to happen.
Players who want to participate in the stream festivities can also check out the streaming hub for the festival, which includes a way to signal applause during appropriate moments. What awaits for the actual reveals? We don’t know just yet, although we spent a whole column speculating on just that. And if you’d like to join us directly for our liveblog when the festival’s keynote goes live at 9:00 p.m. EDT, please do!