It’s time to once again bring another MMO title that might have fallen off of the radar back into focus. This time around, we’re circling back to Life Beyond, the SpatialOS-powered survival MMO being developed by French studio Darewise, the same studio behind the other space survival title ROKH that saw development stall in 2018.
Life Beyond, for the record, has seen the opposite of stalled development: The game has had a number of updates over the course of its closed alpha testing including improved building, some more MMORPG-like controls, a new map, and a host of bug fixes and other adjustments.
It’s the game’s immediate future we’ll focus on now, as the game is planning to add MMORPG-like roles soon. These four roles — the Storm Chaser, the Logistic Guy, the Surgeon, and the Tank — will offer some very familiar gameplay bets such as DPS, healing, tanking, and crowd control. Unlike other MMOs, however, roles in Life Beyond are not tied to any single class but rather to gear loadouts where players put on role-specific equipment in-between missions as they see fit. The addition of roles doesn’t have any release date yet, but there is an internal interview with a couple more details as well as a video embedded below that further elaborates on each role’s… um, role.
Speaking of videos, Life Beyond also released a Q&A video featuring lead level designer Laura Guibert where she answers questions about — surprise — level design from the game’s community. That video can also be found below.