We’re sure you’re all pretty busy playing Guild Wars 2’s End of Dragons first beta right about now – and if you’re not, then you might want to, since it’s free and our own columnist has already written how much fun he’s had with the Virtuoso, Willbender, and Harbinger.
However, if you’re already tiring of testing, then you have something to look forward to, as ArenaNet announced last night that it’s going to resume its living world repromotes starting next week. As readers will recall, the studio has spent the better part of spring and summer bringing back old living world content seasons and distributing it for free a week at a time for folks who missed it the first time around. Starting August 24th, season 4 will begin; that arc picks up immediately after the Path of Fire plot, so you might want to have finished that one first. And as always, you can unlock the episode even if you don’t plan to play it yet.
The studio popped up a new video to mark the tease.
Source: Official site