The features on Final Fantasy XI’s wide-ranging anniversary site We Are Vana’diel have continued to show up in bits and pieces, and the latest installment is worth a gander for everyone. Producer Akihiko Matsui is joined by former Dragon Quest X producer Yosuke Saito, discussing the genesis of these online games, Saito’s own experiences as a player in Vana’diel as well as running an online game, and the challenges of taking over a project from a long-running producer. It’s a fascinating glimpse behind the curtain in the development process of Square-Enix.
If you don’t care about what goes on behind the scenes, of course, you can still enjoy what’s going on in front of them with the game’s upcoming equipment boosting campaign kicking off on September 13th. That means higher drop rates of items from high-end battlefields, extra rewards from Voidwatch, and other boosted drop rates and enhanced rewards. So you’ll get more boost for the same effort; what’s not to like?