It’s the start of September, and that means Final Fantasy XI fans know it’s just about time for the game’s next version update to arrive as usual. This means another installment in the ongoing Voracious Resurgence storyline, with this serving as the final installment in the Aht Urhgan portion of the tale. What will it involve? All we’re being told is “apkallus,” which doesn’t really answer the question very definitively. Aside from implying the involvement of birds, at least.
The patch also contains the usual new Ambuscade content and the addition of some new items, so players will both have things to do and have rewards to earn along the way. Meanwhile, the game’s anniversary site of We Are Vana’diel has posted a new interview in which producer Akihiko Matsui talks with the producer of Nobunaga’s Ambition Online about the challenges of making an MMO work on the PlayStation 2 and the design difficulties faced in creating the game.