MMO blogger Bhagpuss recently penned a solid article about his time in Guild Wars 2, arguing in part that the game’s problem isn’t that it doesn’t have enough to do but that the content is “designed to be consumed and forgotten” – and there’s almost too much of it.
“[T]he problem is never not having anything to do. Oh, ye gods no! If you limited yourself to nothing more than the basics, it would be quite literally impossible for a human being to work through all of the one-a-day, repeatable options in a single twenty-four hour period and also find time for sleeping and eating. Actually, probably even without that. There are probably bots trying it right now but honestly I’m not sure even a bot could do it.”
(Please do not try this at home.) Bhag goes on in depth to discuss the intensity and breadth of the content and how that contributes to the feeling, and I highly encourage reading the whole thing, but for today’s Daily Grind, we’ll jump off on this one idea: Are there MMOs with simply too much to do? And if your pet MMOs are among those, do you give up or keep trying to do it all?