Over the course of October, we’ve been chronicling Shroud of the Avatar’s problem-laden launch of Release 106. The update had technical issues that kept the entire game offline for about a week, and ultimately the devs at Catnip Games had to launch the update with a rolled back database that set the September content patch all the way backwards into August.
The devs have since come together for a postmortem livestream to talk about the whole affair, noting that the housing lot problem that ticked the whole thing off had “been around for years” but otherwise didn’t cause a problem until now. “This was something absolutely and completely unprecedented,” said one of the devs. “We kind of got lured into thinking we could fix the problems and it wasn’t until we’d worked on it for probably five days that we realized just how deep the problems went.”
The stream noted that information about earned XP was able to be extracted and doled out to players, while earned gold is still being sifted through. Additionally, players can expect back taxes to be reset as of this morning; players can join in on a CS event on Saturday, October 22nd; and they can look for Release 107 to launch on Friday, October 28th – what could go wrong?