Here’s a reality check for how long Star Citizen’s development has dragged on: When pre-production for the game began, Dark Souls didn’t exist. The entirety of the Dark Souls series, the development of games similar to it becoming an entire subgenre, and a remastered version of the first Dark Souls game has all happened after this one game entered development. And that’s not even counting the fact that Google Drive, Windows 8, Uber, and Unreal Engine 4 all post-date the game’s pre-production, as tracked on a new chart posted on Reddit.
Creator Mazty specifically charts the development pipeline against From Software and CD Projekt Red, with neither developer known for being particularly prolific or swift in its release cadence. It also tracks the overall tech industry, as mentioned, where the development cadence does not look remotely promising. Couple that with the notes of major milestones missed or cancelled, and it provides another reminder that this game has spent a truly absurd amount of time in development with nary a finished product in sight.
Star Citizen Development Timeline – Compared to other Publishers and the Tech Industry from starcitizen_refunds