It’s impossible. Inconceivable. Unlikely. But it has actually happened. World of Warcraft has actually posted… a roadmap. Granted, said roadmap isn’t filled with actual hard dates, but it lays out exactly what’s planned for WoW over the course of 2023, with two major updates and four smaller updates planned for the year. And there’s a lot of stuff contained therein even beyond the already announced Trading Post feature along with lower-quality gear transmogrification for everyone.
Players can look forward to another small patch containing Human and Orc heritage armor alongside a new questline and world content in 10.0.7, followed by the next major patch in 10.1 with a new raid, new gear season, and so forth. The details for the second half of the year are more vague, but they include new zones, new forms of content, and another megadungeon in the style of the Mythic-only entries from prior expansions starting with Legion. Check out the full roadmap below; it’s obvious that the developers want players to know that things are moving and they should be investing time and thought into the game.