Where is the hype train for Elder Scrolls Online’s Necrom? Well, maybe this week’s blog post is the first steam blast from the engine, as ZeniMax has posted a preview for the two core zones of the expanshapaign: the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha.
The peninsula will be familiar to long-time fans of the Elder Scrolls franchise and Elder Scrolls Online itself, as it’s a chunk of mainland Morrowind that shares some of the environmental and architectural feel of its neighbors – complete with towering mushrooms – without all the grab ash-storm driven vibe of Vvardenfell. Its hub is Necrom itself, the “spiritual hub for Dark Elves across Morrowind” as it’s literally a city of the dead.
Apocrypha, however, is a little more alien: It’s literally the Daedric realm belonging to the Daedric Prince of Fate, Hermaeus Mora. Riddled with abyssal pools, spooky tentacles, and spooky books, this slimy-green lair is responsible for all the acid-splooshed screenshots coming out of the game.
Necrom launches in less than four weeks on June 5th for PC and June 20th for console; in the meantime, you can get caught up on the lore of the land.