It’s all about space truckin’ and sound design once more with Star Citizen’s weekend slate of videos, as the latest Inside Star Citizen episode picks up where last week’s video left off with more cargo hauling career talk and the Star Citizen Live video brings on members of the game’s sound team to talk shop.
The first video talks about “physicalized” inventory, which basically boils down to placing stuff into storage crates to bring on to ships or dedicated storage lockers on ships and at hangars. There are also plans for hauling missions that make use of physicalized inventory hauling, while some of the larger hauling jobs will still load inventory automatically, but only after a cost of credits and some time. All of these features are being built in service of removing magically filling ships and personal inventories through using kiosks and manually putting things where they’re meant to be.
The second video brought on a pair of sound designers to once again make noise about making noises. As one might anticipate, this is less about anything related to the game’s plans or future updates, instead granting a more personal look at just two of the many developers that try to make SC a thing.
Finally, now that alpha 3.20’s new-look Arena Commander is live, there is now a schedule of game types coming to its experimental mode. Highlights include tank royale arriving during the week of October 1st, gun rush mode starting October 19th, and single weapon and mirror match modes on October 7th.