We’re just about at the end of 2023, and that means World of Warcraft’s various server sets are looking forward to what will be happening in 2024. Executive producer Holly Longdale is happy to tell players how cool 2024 is going to be; she’s penned a lengthy post about precisely that, complete with roadmaps for both the retail version of the game as well as the WoW Classic versions, from Season of Discovery to Cataclysm Classic. All the colors of the Warcraft rainbow, in other words.
Retail players can look forward to the Seeds of Renewal update happening early next year, with 10.2.6 marked solely with a jolly roger and 10.2.7 along with Season 4 planned for sometime in spring. That’s in addition to The War Within’s beta kicking off in the summer, with release looking to target some point between late summer and early autumn. Meanwhile, WoW Classic will roll out the Ruby Sanctum on Wrath of the Lich King in winter, followed by Cataclysm in summer. Season of Discovery gets its first level cap update in later winter to early spring, then hits level 60 in the summer, followed by new endgame content later in autumn. Check out the full roadmaps for an idea of what’s coming to the game next year ahead of time.