The end of the year means time to look forward to where we’re going – but also to look back at where our genre has been. In truth, I do these recaps for myself as much as for anyone else since it’s so easy to forget everything that happened, and this year, I tried to do them as I went instead of all at the end of the year. Either way, the result is tradition: As we did in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, let’s take a tour back through our MMO coverage, one month a day for the next 12 days, to hit the highlights and frame our upcoming journey into 2024.
January was a harbinger of the year to come, as 2023’s rash of mass–layoffs was brightened only but successful unionization efforts across our industry. The month saw John Smedley leave Amazon, the first reveal of Tencent’s Tarisland, the dramatic firing of a WoW team lead for all the wrong reasons, the final demise of The Repopulation, and of course the end of WoW in China as the rift between NetEase and Blizzard only widened.
Here’s the whole recap from January of this past year, from our top news stories of the month to our best editorials.
Star Citizen heralds 2022 as a year of growth, touches on 3.18’s features and update plans for 2023
Square-Enix’s Yosuke Matsuda is still all-in on blockchain and NFTs even after 2022
Microsoft’s ZeniMax QA just formed the largest games industry union in the country
EVE Online says lowsec murder and ship production are up since Uprising
Workers at Blizzard-owned Proletariat say management refused its union and is ‘forcing’ them to go through NLRB voting
Final Fantasy XIV’s latest update, Gods Revel, Lands Tremble, is live now
Kickstarted sandbox MMO The Repopulation is apparently dead as Idea Fabrik’s contracted dev team quits
Ubisoft’s Skull and Bones has been delayed for the sixth time, potentially to 2024
John Smedley is leaving his position as head of Amazon Games’ San Diego studio
Blade & Soul celebrates seven years and the new year in latest update
Chronicles of Elyria boss insists Kingdoms of Elyria: Settlements will ship in 2023 in spite of lawsuit appeal
Titan Reach changes its name, rebuts claims of copyright stealing, opens Kickstarter and Steam demo
World of Warcraft is offering everyone bonus Trader’s Tender for purchasing Dragonflight
Lapsed yet legitimate Lost Ark players were hit in the game’s latest ban wave
Former Lord of the Rings Online producer illuminates the MMO industry’s pay problem
Blizzard claims NetEase rejected a license extension to keep Chinese games (including WoW) up another six months
It has once again been zero days since a War Thunder player used military documents to win a forum fight
Get a first peek at Tencent’s new Chinese WoW clone, Tarisland
Microsoft and Unity collectively shed over 10,000 employees in latest round of tech layoffs
Ubisoft Paris will strike on January 27 following CEO’s responsibility-shifting
EU Parliament adopts resolution to regulate games industry harms from lockboxes to manipulative design
NetEase slams Blizzard China’s last-minute WoW proposal as ‘brash, unseemly and commercially illogical’
War Thunder players have now leaked military documents a grand total of five times to win forum arguments
Halo Infinite and Elder Scrolls Online teams were hit by Microsoft’s 10,000-person layoff
Osiris New Dawn formally departs early access for launch, having sold 600K copies
Class action law firm probes Diablo Immortal over false advertising claims
Lord of the Rings Online’s 2023 roadmap teases Corsairs of Umbar expansion theme
GDC’s State of the Games Industry survey once again demonstrates dev skepticism for metaverse and blockchain hokum
Bored Ape Yacht Club’s upcoming ‘skill-based mint’ NFT game sparks a speculation market
Lord of the Rings Online executive producer talks River Hobbits, a new launcher, and even boats
Square Enix-published Marvel’s Avengers is ending official support this fall
Old School RuneScape player reportedly makes off with nearly $120K in cash thanks to an exploit
Siege-centered PvP MMO Warlander makes its free-to-play launch, is immediately flooded with cheaters
Final Fantasy XIV director expresses frustration and confusion as another world first clear is won via addon use
E3 2023: Xbox, Nintendo, and Sony will all apparently skip the first in-person E3 since 2019
EA is sunsetting Apex Legends Mobile, canceling Battlefield mobile game