Character creation in Star Citizen right now is, frankly, awful – a relic of the game’s early beginnings that involve a weird secondary molding feature and a few different hairstyles. That’s going to be changing in alpha 3.23, however, as the avatar creator is getting some much-needed modernization.
Creation still starts with a DNA blending feature, but will now also allow players to manually adjust multiple nodes on an avatar’s face to further refine their physical appearance. Skin tone options have also been enhanced with additional sliders for blemishes, players can now make facial hair choices, makeup options have been widely expanded, and hairstyles feature more color choices for both natural hair color and dyes, along with root and tip coloration options. The video is about 15 minutes of devs breathless at options that have been available in dozens of MMOs previously, but the variety is still good to see regardless.
In other SC news, this week’s Star Citizen Live video answers player questions about FPS updates for 3.23, including sniper weapon balance like scopes having a warning “glint,” thoughts about giving other items like multi-tools batteries, how backpack reloading can be interrupted (a gunshot works), and the possibility of a ballistic shield being added. That video also awaits below the break.