We’re barreling on toward the June 4th launch of Destiny 2’s reoriented The Final Shape expansion, which means Bungie is continuing to build up the hype. Today’s entry in the cycle is a brand-new trailer, which is narrated by no less than Nathan Fillion as it winds through the Pale Heart itself. Readers will recall that Fillion plays Cayde-6, who was written out of the storyline years ago but is back to headline this last entry in the saga.
“[The] latest trailer for Destiny 2: The Final Shape, showcas[es] the new destination inside of the Traveler named The Pale Heart,” Bungie says. “This mysterious world starts as a light-filled paradise, but slowly creeps into a distressing land of darkness. Players will embark on a perilous journey to confront the Witness, who has corrupted the Traveler and plans to enact its Final Shape. Narrated by Nathan Fillion as Cayde-6, the late Hunter recounts his experience in this harrowing landscape, beckoning Guardians to gather and take on this blight.”