The Daily Grind: What do you think about floating combat text in MMOs?


When Trove launched its Rising Tide update back in June, Gamigo’s PR included a ton of screenshots, including several of a character with massive comicbook-style floating combat text. I don’t remember this from the last time I played Trove, but I have to say it actually looks pretty nifty and meshes perfectly with the goofball style of the game.

Back when I still played World of Warcraft, I remember extensively modding my floating combat text because I considered it super important to telling me what the heck was going on without having to squint at my actual combat log. In other MMOs, though, it just hasn’t seemed super essential. Or if the MMO has it, I find it pretty ignorable.

What do you think about floating combat text in MMOs? Do we love it always, or is it a sometimes thing?

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