When Guild Wars 2’s Janthir Wilds launches at the end of August, the warclaw mount will undergo a major transformation as the journeykin, an enhanced mount with a new expansion-themed mastery track, much like the skyscale in Secrets of the Obscure. But the original warclaw with its original track will still be available for PvP play – with a few tweaks.
“Beginning with the August 20 game update, the warclaw mount will be automatically unlocked for all players who own Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns or Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire,” ArenaNet explains in a post on the official forums. “To access the mount, simply enter WvW and spend one world ability point in the Warclaw Mastery ability track.” The new skill layout beyond the initial unlock is Sniff, Chain Pull, Lance, and Battle Maul.
“Warclaw’s Blessing and the extra stamina bar will no longer require world ability points—they will be part of the warclaw’s baseline skills. The Warclaw Companion collection will no longer be required to unlock the warclaw. However, it will still be available, with additional rewards for players who want to complete it: a War Machine Weapon Skin Selection chest and 250 WvW skirmish claim tickets. If you’ve already completed the collection at any point in the past, you’ll automatically receive these additional rewards the first time you log in after the August 20 game update. As mentioned previously, Lance will receive a second charge in the August 20 game update. Unlocking the warclaw will allow you to use it in PvE as well.”
In other Guild Wars 2 news, the Festival of the Four Winds has returned to the game as of today, inviting players to the celebrate in Divinity’s Reach and the Labyrinthine Cliffs through August 20th. There’s new stuff in this edition of the event, including beach trunks wearables, Sandswept weapons, the sea turtle minipet, new Zephyrite weapons, a new water balloon fight, and of course new cheevos.