In internet spaceship naval warfare, sometimes bigger is better, and it doesn’t get too much bigger than the Polaris, the upcoming corvette-class capital ship that’s set to debut this week at the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo event in Star Citizen – and the ship that’s the primary focus of the game’s latest video.
The latter half of the video has several testers at CIG talk about the Polaris’ suite of features, including massive torpedo tubes, some upgrades to some of the ship’s turrets, and its variety of defenses that include some hefty shields and automatic anti-missile guns that can mostly take down ordinance that has locked on to the ship, though they are useless against dumbfire missiles.
The middle section of the new video continues to talk about gameplay plans and concepts, specifically focused on capital ship battles. The design idea is that capitals should be a “combat puzzle” for players to solve that requires multiple ship types to help break shields at certain locations, disable them from recharging, take down turret and gun defenses, and ultimately either destroy the vessel or engage in boarding actions. Once more, this all sounds like a vision rather than specifically dated implementation, but a vision is indeed in mind.
As for the IAE event, that continues to rumble on and tries to encourage new arrivals to the game with an IAE Academy, which is basically a digital instruction book and series of guide links to activities like combat, hauling, and industry. Clearing these “tasks” while logged in will grant players cosmetic rewards, and there’s also some starter bundle sale links available there as well, naturally.
On the subject of sales, fellow blogger The Nosy Gamer has been tracking ship sales and new accounts created during IAE with data from the CCU Dashboard and finds that they are lagging behind when compared to last year. As of day three, the sandbox is still making huge bank, with over $4.1M in sales, but that also is short of the $4.8M raked in at the same time last year.