Star Wars Galaxies fans always get a little sad every December as it marks the original MMORPG’s deathiversary. But we’re blessed to have multiple rogue server and emulator teams working on multiple projects in the SWG universe, including SWG Restoration 3, whose developers announced a big patch on the way that will double-down on the SWG promise of customization.
“Choices make SWG special, and we are excited to share a preview of our upcoming Publish, which puts customization front and center,” the player team writes. “As we finally near our longstanding roadmap goal of restoring and bringing together all the best of SWG, we’re going back to the roots and focusing on what is special about this game: how it truly helps you live your Star Wars Story in a way that no other game can.”
The update promises:
- five new “fully customizable” species, including what looks like Nautolans and Bith – “not simply NPC skins that people can walk around in, but fully modeled with new customization sliders, palettes, clothing, just like the original ten that were part of the game” with “entirely new 3D models and axes of customization, new shaders and shader renderers, of course many many textures and mappings”;
- a housing expansion that implies it’ll allow players to decorate the area around their houses without needing to use the storyteller system to do it, in addition to a decorator tool (yes please);
- new wearable clothing slots, including holsters – and even earrings dredged out of the SOE files (yes, they show in-game);
- and an expansion to the game’s skill tree that allows more flexibility in selection (looks to me as if it allows more prerequisite variety for the elite trees without reducing prereq quantity; for example, you could take scout instead of unarmed as a Smuggler); it also improves the medical professions for both specialists and hybrids, re-adds the Ranger as a functional elite, adds high-end jewelry for everyone, implements new combat mechanics, attempts to balance Jedi (heh), and buffs some of the weaker hybrid lines and elites, like the poor Squad Leader and Creature Handler.
All in all, this looks like a massive upgrade for this version of the 21-year-old MMORPG. Now all we need is a release date!
After a year of hard work, we're ready to tease our biggest update yet for Star Wars Galaxies Restoration:👽 New species🚗 New housing upgrades⚒️ New clothing options⚔️ New profession expansion pathsand more! 🌌All free, from a dedicated community team.Read about it 👇swgr.org/post/why-cho…
— Star Wars Galaxies Restoration (@handle.invalid) 2024-12-07T15:41:23.743Z