When last we checked in on the Marvel Heroes emulator project, the developers were basically still in the “make code go and upload to github” stage of development, but at least one group has taken that ball and run with it straight to a functioning server, albeit one clearly still in active development.
Project T.A.H.I.T.I. is the name of the new rogue server, and over the last couple of months it’s been whirring to life with a test shard with functioning characters and combat and zones, though things like crafting, grouping, and PvP aren’t up and running yet. There’s even a Trello roadmap showing what the devs are working on next.
The rogue server’s Discord adds a few caveats: The current game is a test server and will be wiped with the 1.0 release (no ETA yet), it is not yet taking donations (but might in the future), and it will not be charging for anything.
One of my guildies gave it a whirl yesterday and said it was functional and amusing; you’ll need to work your way through all the configuration files and signups if you’re going in, but it does look as if you can get it running with your old Steam install (although there are other options if you didn’t have it on Steam). As I type this Monday morning, the server has 130 people on it – not shabby at all.
It’s been nearly eight years since the disastrously managed and abrupt sunset of Marvel Heroes, and the game should’ve been turning 12 this year instead of making everyone crawl around on emulators, but here we are. Pretty soon, it’ll be just like old times, with everyone fighting not for the existence of the game but over whether it counts as an MMO. See you in Tahiti!