It’s hard to believe that Skyforge has been out and playable for seven years now. The official announcement of this year’s anniversary event doesn’t include a duration of operation, either, so you’d have to do some research to find out when the game actually launched. But the important thing is that you can take part in the newest anniversary event, decoding prophecies after you save mortals, with each prophecy having specific conditions you need to fulfill. Doing so provides you with Threads of Destiny that can be exchanged for new fireworks, a new costume, new capes, or familiar rewards from previous iterations of the event.
The event is running through April 26th on PC and April 27th for console players, so you should have plenty of time to unravel some cryptic prophecies and fulfill their requirements efficiently. Players on the Nintendo Switch might be even more excited about what happens afterward, since the Heart of Steel update is coming to that console version on April 28th (right after the event ends) and bringing along new content and a new PvP arena to play within.