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Why must life be so hard?

Daybreak opens PlanetSide Arena closed beta signups, promises forums next week

Daybreak's announcement yesterday that it's delayed PlanetSide Arena's early access launch from January 29th to March 26th didn't seem to surprise any MMO players...

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse covers intuitive flight controls and landscaping desolate moons

Cloud Imperium's Sean Tracy and Steve Bender headline this week's episode of Star Citizen's Around the Verse, and if you didn't expect clowning, then...
Oh, is that all.

Fallout 76 previews new Survival mode, triggering community commotion

Apparently, some people thought that wandering around an devastated, irradiated wasteland full of vicious mutant creatures wasn't dangerous enough, which is exactly why Fallout...

Old School RuneScape outlines proposed Chambers of Xeric adjustments

In the wake of last week's huge Old School RuneScape update, which added the all-new Kebos Lowlands region to the game, Jagex is now...

Sea of Thieves is taking aim at combat adjustments in its next update

Combat on the high seas is about to get a bit more refined, according to Sea of Thieves Executive Producer Joe Neate in the...

Closers updates its development roadmap as its Lunar New Year event begins

It's been the better part of a year since anime-action MMO Closers released its latest development roadmap, and the folks at En Masse Entertainment...

Trove’s Crystal Combat update is finally coming to console in February

One of Trove's best features since releasing on console years ago, in my estimation anyway, was that its PC and console updates were always...
Slash heal.

Crowfall takes inventory in its latest dev diary

Ahh, the humble inventory. It's a feature often taken for granted in MMOs; after all, you've gotta have somewhere to keep all of that...

The Division 2 encourages players to get greedy with new Dark Zone mechanics

We're only a couple of months out from the release of Ubisoft's MMO third-person-shooter The Division 2, which will be bringing with it a...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Wrathstone DLC has hit the PTS – here’s what to expect

Boom! Elder Scrolls Online players have known about the Wrathstone DLC for only a week, and now here we are welcoming its arrival on...

Torchlight Frontiers blends form and function with new wardrobe feature

In last week's dev livestream, the Torchlight Frontiers devs detailed some of the ways that they've been improving the game based on player feedback,...
Well, someone's having fun!

MapleStory 2 posts three-month feedback plan for gemstone, pet, and Meso improvements

January always seems to be a time of regrouping for MMO communities and studios, and Nexon is joining the trend with MapleStory 2. Producer...

Star Citizen: Hoverbikes, female character models, and item insurance

Who do you love now? HOVERBIKES. Yes, one of the key bits from this week's Star Citizen Around the Verse episode focuses on the...

Ascent: Infinite Realm introduces the flying city Inventus, shows off new combat footage

Information continues to slowly trickle out of Bluehole Studios as it toils away on its upcoming sci-fantasy MMO Ascent: Infinite Realm, and the latest...

Bungie reiterates its commitment to Destiny 2 long-term as it previews short-term goals

Since last week's revelation that Activision and Bungie were parting ways and sending Destiny home to live with its real dad - oh yeah,...

Elder Scrolls Online’s racial abilities are getting revamped in update 21

One of the things that the folks at Zenimax are focusing on in The Elder Scrolls Online's upcoming update 21 is balancing the passive...

Atlas teases dev livestream and the guillotine, announces imminent devkit release

Avast, ahoy, and all that jazz, Atlas players: It's time for another entry of the Captain's Log, in which the folks at Studio Wildcard...

Elder Scrolls Online will launch Elsweyr and Necromancer in June, Wrathstone DLC in February

ZeniMax has just revealed that Elsweyr, homeland of the Khajiit, is indeed Elder Scrolls Online's next chapter. The devs kicked off their stream with...
Leashes? We don't need no stinkin'... oh, never mind.

Bless Unleashed is still happening in 2019 – here’s the latest class trailer

Did you forget Bless Unleashed was still happening this year? Because it is! Bandai Namco and Neowiz announced the new game last year, and...
A jetpack could have prevented this.

Orange Shirt Kid joins the legal battle over Fortnite dances as Epic reintroduces glider re-deploys

The epic saga of Epic Games's legal battles over Fortnite dance emotes continues as the mother of the player popularly known as Orange Shirt...