
Hands-on, first impressions, and preview coverage. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

It's not quite so much of a model after all.

Camelot Unchained’s newsletter looks at the small parts building larger things

If there's one theme to the latest Camelot Unchained newsletter (and as always, it's a lengthy newsletter), it's the reality that there are lots of...

Black Desert drops new trailer for final Xbox One open beta event

Dang, I almost forgot that Black Desert is still on track for an Xbox One launch this year. Almost, but not quite. Indeed, as...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Wrathstone dives back into Oblivion for dungeon inspiration

One of the dungeons launching in next month's Elder Scrolls Online Wrathstone DLC is Depths of Malatar, a four-man romp featured in ZeniMax's latest...

Exclusive: Survival MMO Population Zero deep-dives its unique perk system

Population Zero caught out attention at the tail end of last year when developer Enplex announced the survival MMO was hitting pre-alpha and opening...

Conan Exiles is replacing its messy old VOIP with Vivox

Players have been asking Funcom to fix voice chat in Conan Exiles pretty much since the day that it went in as a feature....

Skyforge plans Valentine’s Day event, delays new planet to March

It's been a hot minute since we covered Skyforge, but's MMORPG is still zooming along in the wake of its bard class launch...
Hey, I duped that fair and square!

Bethsoft says it’s listening to player feedback on Fallout 76’s planned Survival mode

Last week, Bethsoft stirred consternation over its plans for Fallout 76's Survival mode ahead of its March beta. The mode will essentially add pure...

Lord of the Rings Online readies its next progression server unlock

For the past couple of months, Standing Stone Games hasn't spoken much on the status and future of Lord of the Rings Online's progression...
And all of the art design is still done on lined notebook paper.

EverQuest II announces anniversary events and new ‘old-school PvP’ event server

Venerable poster child of the MMO genre EverQuest is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, and it just recently announced a cavalcade of events...
Why must life be so hard?

Daybreak opens PlanetSide Arena closed beta signups, promises forums next week

Daybreak's announcement yesterday that it's delayed PlanetSide Arena's early access launch from January 29th to March 26th didn't seem to surprise any MMO players...

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse covers intuitive flight controls and landscaping desolate moons

Cloud Imperium's Sean Tracy and Steve Bender headline this week's episode of Star Citizen's Around the Verse, and if you didn't expect clowning, then...
Oh, is that all.

Fallout 76 previews new Survival mode, triggering community commotion

Apparently, some people thought that wandering around an devastated, irradiated wasteland full of vicious mutant creatures wasn't dangerous enough, which is exactly why Fallout...

Old School RuneScape outlines proposed Chambers of Xeric adjustments

In the wake of last week's huge Old School RuneScape update, which added the all-new Kebos Lowlands region to the game, Jagex is now...

Sea of Thieves is taking aim at combat adjustments in its next update

Combat on the high seas is about to get a bit more refined, according to Sea of Thieves Executive Producer Joe Neate in the...

Closers updates its development roadmap as its Lunar New Year event begins

It's been the better part of a year since anime-action MMO Closers released its latest development roadmap, and the folks at En Masse Entertainment...

Trove’s Crystal Combat update is finally coming to console in February

One of Trove's best features since releasing on console years ago, in my estimation anyway, was that its PC and console updates were always...
Slash heal.

Crowfall takes inventory in its latest dev diary

Ahh, the humble inventory. It's a feature often taken for granted in MMOs; after all, you've gotta have somewhere to keep all of that...

The Division 2 encourages players to get greedy with new Dark Zone mechanics

We're only a couple of months out from the release of Ubisoft's MMO third-person-shooter The Division 2, which will be bringing with it a...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Wrathstone DLC has hit the PTS – here’s what to expect

Boom! Elder Scrolls Online players have known about the Wrathstone DLC for only a week, and now here we are welcoming its arrival on...

Torchlight Frontiers blends form and function with new wardrobe feature

In last week's dev livestream, the Torchlight Frontiers devs detailed some of the ways that they've been improving the game based on player feedback,...